For "kids" of any age, let's play together in an authentic way to heal and revive our spirits so we can create our new beginnings!
For anyone who has experienced the heartbreak of personal betrayal, sudden and shocking loss and find yourself in survival mode not knowing how to find your happiness again, let's play together!
Offering creative and effective healing "play dates" to help you revive your spirit after you find yourself alone after a toxic marriage, family, work (or even a friend group) system has cast you out or you finally ended it yourself. The loneliness, pain and grief that result from these experiences can feel like you have lost everything from your identity, finances and the root system that helped you feel anchored in your life. Yet, this is also a tremendous opportunity to turn the heaviness of the experience into the fuel for creating your next chapter.
Reclaim your Abundance, Sense of Self and Sovereignty by Restoring Your Inner Balance.
What happened to many of us? Our spirits were deflated repeatedly in our lives when the joyful play (positively polarized) we knew as children turned into mean games (negatively polarized) too many times in our lives. The toxic side of play where some people decided to not play fair, but rather win at all costs and laughed when they knocked you down. Not only that, they went on to invert the story by spreading lies and half truths about you to convince those around them and you that YOU were the one that had knocked THEM down.Those playground bullies then grew into adult bodies, but they were actually still that childish mean spirited kid inside who manipulates and misuses their power over you and others to get their way. It only takes one or more mean bullies with power to create fear-based, unbalanced systems within environments large and small from intimate partners to families, neighborhoods, businesses and organizations. Oh, these tricksters can be quite the charmers! That's how they can fool people so easily.
The trauma from even just one experience like this can leave us feeling disconnected from the playful spirited human we had once been and the innate love currency we were born carrying within us. Yes, once we got confused and stuck in survival mode, we were easy for the bullies to control and maybe we gained some feeling of external belonging and security but the cost to our inner light and truth was not worth the price of so called "fitting in."
(Yes, that's me on the bike, still spirited in my 60's after decades of toxic abuse cycles where I found myself starting completely over on my own (5-6x so I am a reluctant expert) because it's what I was used to and I didn't know any better or how to change it. I finally healed and loved myself enough from the inside out to "flip that script." I am the courageous hero and co-creator of my own life story).
We were all born divine creations by The Creator of All That Is. Spirited, loving, vulnerable, honest, playful, creative, imaginative and ready to learn. Remember how we would blurt out truths that made the adults uncomfortable? We naturally knew which adults to avoid and which ones were kid friendly. We cried and had tantrums. Yes we needed to grow up and self-regulate, but we didn't need to "throw the baby out with the bath water" when we became adults. Why did grown up fun need to turn into drinking alcohol or other forms of escapism? Or, adult games meant porn or something naughty? (I'm not judging those things yet it's interesting to think about what we consider to be adult play.)
When we were children, we came in magical and wired to our true north. Then later, we brought our magical selves together with other kids and used our imaginations and free spirits to create our own worlds together. Creativity and teamwork were easy. Remember putting on a show, painting, building a raft, or just playing simple board or video games? The hours flew by as you got lost in your creations. Somehow, it seemed like magic happened: costumes got made, art was created, tool and ideas just materialized, and everyone playfully engaged in the process.
We were curious as kids and saw the world with a sense of wonder. We all still can, regardless of our age because we already know how to be all of that but now we also have skills and experience, too. When we play it helps us to break free from some of our old patterns, routines, thoughts and limited beliefs so we can access our creativity and imagination and revive some of the best parts of us. We often need to heal or grieve from someone or something dear to us even if it's a past version of us who made many mistakes due to an old trauma or wound that's been lurking in the shadows, causing us to see life from a limited perspective.
AnuBel is dedicated to the spirited child that lives in us all, regardless of our age. I created this inspiring little flying magical kid goat named AnuBel to help us remember our innocence and reconnect with our spirited kid nature that was most active during our authentic years as children.
Play Dates For Individuals by phone or through Zoom:
Gimme, Gimme Some Lov'n! A Fairy Godmother session might be just what you need.
Fairy Godmother Play Date-- Investment of $111. This is a highly positive and deeply affirmative session whereby you get a warm and kindhearted energy of unconditional love about who you are and where you are on your journey. Like any good Fairy Godmother, you will be granted a wish in the form of encouragement to go for a dream that perhaps the people around you aren't yet ready to rally around.
A Sparkle Igniter Play Date can help you define a vague dream and bring it into form.
Sparkle Igniter Play Date -- Investment of $222. This session will help you move from a vague idea or feeling about a dream or direction in your life and help spark and ignite it into a more concrete one with next steps to help bring it into your physical reality.
Silver Lining Treasure Hunt Play Date might be your ticket out of the abyss.
Silver Lining Treasure Hunt Play Date -- Investment of $333. We will do a deep dive into your situation to uncover the treasures that are difficult to see when we're immersed in the abyss.
Play Dates For Both Individuals and Groups (Customized In-person sessions available through special request):
AnuBel's "Kid Play" helps us remember the innocent joy we knew naturally as kids...and maybe even a dream or two we had as kids but forgot about.
"Kid Play" -- Investment of a minimum of $111. Activate the spirited and joy filled part of you (or your group) that got shut down or disconnected from as a means of defense in an unhealthy environment.
Fairy Dust Play Date -- Investment of a minimum of $222. Activate new inspiration to revive a project that has lost it's juice, hit resistance and needs a rocker booster of energy or a new perspective to help get it back on track.
G.O.A.T Deep Dive Process -- Fully Customized For Groups (In-Person or Virtual).
We are all works in progress at all times. This is a "house specialty" developed over decades to help your group align with your True North (Higher Purpose). Email me to get a free estimate and consultation: [email protected]
Each member of your group will initially go through an interview process before we come together as a group to co-create essential themes to see where the group's energies align or are in conflict. You will be asked to remember your own uniqueness...special gifts, essential qualities or what makes you the GOAT (Greatest of All Time)? Also, if you know of the one thing you do naturally that is so easy and joyful, you may have just overlooked it, which is your actual "silver bullet?" We will do a deep dive into your childhood when you knew your uniqueness best as your playful self as a kid. Before "survival" conditioning from work, school, society, and families encouraged us to conform to the outer world often at the expense of our authentic selves.
Kids of any age, let's get real by reviving the spirited child within!
Most of us have experience some forms of emotional and spiritual abuse, if not the physical type as well from work, family, friends, communities and even churches. The constant and often fear mongering from technology, media, movies and a "mainstream" narrative that promised happiness based on everything external can leave us feeling empty inside without meaning, purpose and the inner voice of our soul selves. We often forgot that life is about the journey in the way we knew naturally when we were kids.
We all fit perfectly together by being our true selves, not like anyone else. In reality, each of us is a perfect divinely-created puzzle piece in the web of creation designed to co-create our world by fitting our unique shaped pieces together.
Revive your spirit or a forgotten dream with the help of AnuBel! Restore your voice & creative expression so you can bow from the center stage as the shining star of your own story.
[email protected]
Or, check out my book:
Wanna revive your spirit, inspire new dreams, reawaken your divine gifts while gaining some practical wisdom and tips? Buy my book, Adventures with AnuBel, in paperback or ebook available through Amazon, Barnes and Nobel and other online retailers.
Offering creative and effective healing "play dates" to help you revive your spirit after you find yourself alone after a toxic marriage, family, work (or even a friend group) system has cast you out or you finally ended it yourself. The loneliness, pain and grief that result from these experiences can feel like you have lost everything from your identity, finances and the root system that helped you feel anchored in your life. Yet, this is also a tremendous opportunity to turn the heaviness of the experience into the fuel for creating your next chapter.
Reclaim your Abundance, Sense of Self and Sovereignty by Restoring Your Inner Balance.
What happened to many of us? Our spirits were deflated repeatedly in our lives when the joyful play (positively polarized) we knew as children turned into mean games (negatively polarized) too many times in our lives. The toxic side of play where some people decided to not play fair, but rather win at all costs and laughed when they knocked you down. Not only that, they went on to invert the story by spreading lies and half truths about you to convince those around them and you that YOU were the one that had knocked THEM down.Those playground bullies then grew into adult bodies, but they were actually still that childish mean spirited kid inside who manipulates and misuses their power over you and others to get their way. It only takes one or more mean bullies with power to create fear-based, unbalanced systems within environments large and small from intimate partners to families, neighborhoods, businesses and organizations. Oh, these tricksters can be quite the charmers! That's how they can fool people so easily.
The trauma from even just one experience like this can leave us feeling disconnected from the playful spirited human we had once been and the innate love currency we were born carrying within us. Yes, once we got confused and stuck in survival mode, we were easy for the bullies to control and maybe we gained some feeling of external belonging and security but the cost to our inner light and truth was not worth the price of so called "fitting in."
(Yes, that's me on the bike, still spirited in my 60's after decades of toxic abuse cycles where I found myself starting completely over on my own (5-6x so I am a reluctant expert) because it's what I was used to and I didn't know any better or how to change it. I finally healed and loved myself enough from the inside out to "flip that script." I am the courageous hero and co-creator of my own life story).
We were all born divine creations by The Creator of All That Is. Spirited, loving, vulnerable, honest, playful, creative, imaginative and ready to learn. Remember how we would blurt out truths that made the adults uncomfortable? We naturally knew which adults to avoid and which ones were kid friendly. We cried and had tantrums. Yes we needed to grow up and self-regulate, but we didn't need to "throw the baby out with the bath water" when we became adults. Why did grown up fun need to turn into drinking alcohol or other forms of escapism? Or, adult games meant porn or something naughty? (I'm not judging those things yet it's interesting to think about what we consider to be adult play.)
When we were children, we came in magical and wired to our true north. Then later, we brought our magical selves together with other kids and used our imaginations and free spirits to create our own worlds together. Creativity and teamwork were easy. Remember putting on a show, painting, building a raft, or just playing simple board or video games? The hours flew by as you got lost in your creations. Somehow, it seemed like magic happened: costumes got made, art was created, tool and ideas just materialized, and everyone playfully engaged in the process.
We were curious as kids and saw the world with a sense of wonder. We all still can, regardless of our age because we already know how to be all of that but now we also have skills and experience, too. When we play it helps us to break free from some of our old patterns, routines, thoughts and limited beliefs so we can access our creativity and imagination and revive some of the best parts of us. We often need to heal or grieve from someone or something dear to us even if it's a past version of us who made many mistakes due to an old trauma or wound that's been lurking in the shadows, causing us to see life from a limited perspective.
AnuBel is dedicated to the spirited child that lives in us all, regardless of our age. I created this inspiring little flying magical kid goat named AnuBel to help us remember our innocence and reconnect with our spirited kid nature that was most active during our authentic years as children.
Play Dates For Individuals by phone or through Zoom:
Gimme, Gimme Some Lov'n! A Fairy Godmother session might be just what you need.
Fairy Godmother Play Date-- Investment of $111. This is a highly positive and deeply affirmative session whereby you get a warm and kindhearted energy of unconditional love about who you are and where you are on your journey. Like any good Fairy Godmother, you will be granted a wish in the form of encouragement to go for a dream that perhaps the people around you aren't yet ready to rally around.
A Sparkle Igniter Play Date can help you define a vague dream and bring it into form.
Sparkle Igniter Play Date -- Investment of $222. This session will help you move from a vague idea or feeling about a dream or direction in your life and help spark and ignite it into a more concrete one with next steps to help bring it into your physical reality.
Silver Lining Treasure Hunt Play Date might be your ticket out of the abyss.
Silver Lining Treasure Hunt Play Date -- Investment of $333. We will do a deep dive into your situation to uncover the treasures that are difficult to see when we're immersed in the abyss.
Play Dates For Both Individuals and Groups (Customized In-person sessions available through special request):
AnuBel's "Kid Play" helps us remember the innocent joy we knew naturally as kids...and maybe even a dream or two we had as kids but forgot about.
"Kid Play" -- Investment of a minimum of $111. Activate the spirited and joy filled part of you (or your group) that got shut down or disconnected from as a means of defense in an unhealthy environment.
Fairy Dust Play Date -- Investment of a minimum of $222. Activate new inspiration to revive a project that has lost it's juice, hit resistance and needs a rocker booster of energy or a new perspective to help get it back on track.
G.O.A.T Deep Dive Process -- Fully Customized For Groups (In-Person or Virtual).
We are all works in progress at all times. This is a "house specialty" developed over decades to help your group align with your True North (Higher Purpose). Email me to get a free estimate and consultation: [email protected]
Each member of your group will initially go through an interview process before we come together as a group to co-create essential themes to see where the group's energies align or are in conflict. You will be asked to remember your own uniqueness...special gifts, essential qualities or what makes you the GOAT (Greatest of All Time)? Also, if you know of the one thing you do naturally that is so easy and joyful, you may have just overlooked it, which is your actual "silver bullet?" We will do a deep dive into your childhood when you knew your uniqueness best as your playful self as a kid. Before "survival" conditioning from work, school, society, and families encouraged us to conform to the outer world often at the expense of our authentic selves.
Kids of any age, let's get real by reviving the spirited child within!
Most of us have experience some forms of emotional and spiritual abuse, if not the physical type as well from work, family, friends, communities and even churches. The constant and often fear mongering from technology, media, movies and a "mainstream" narrative that promised happiness based on everything external can leave us feeling empty inside without meaning, purpose and the inner voice of our soul selves. We often forgot that life is about the journey in the way we knew naturally when we were kids.
We all fit perfectly together by being our true selves, not like anyone else. In reality, each of us is a perfect divinely-created puzzle piece in the web of creation designed to co-create our world by fitting our unique shaped pieces together.
Revive your spirit or a forgotten dream with the help of AnuBel! Restore your voice & creative expression so you can bow from the center stage as the shining star of your own story.
[email protected]
Or, check out my book:
Wanna revive your spirit, inspire new dreams, reawaken your divine gifts while gaining some practical wisdom and tips? Buy my book, Adventures with AnuBel, in paperback or ebook available through Amazon, Barnes and Nobel and other online retailers.
AnuBel magic.
It's a new day. AnuBel invites you to enjoy your divine birthright to laugh, play, and live from the truth in your heart. The old ways aren't working anymore. It takes so much more than facts, figures and logic to create new dreams for ourselves, our families and communities. We need to trust the new way forward where we share our uniqueness. Don't know what yours is? - That's where AnuBel can help.
What's possible.There is a unique essence in each of us that when it's expressed creates our love currency in the world. When combined with our valuable skills and rich life experiences, we become the unstoppable power that is us at our best to achieve our GOAT. Through "Kid Play" and other tools, AnuBel, a flying kid goat, can help you free yourself from the shackles of old limiting ways to rediscover the treasures within you.
Who's behind it all?Jody Praigg Harper has a special gift of inspiration and a practical track record for helping people overcome obstacles and fulfill their dreams.
You can also gain inspirations, practical wisdom and coaching tips through her book in paperback or ebook, Adventures with AnuBel, now available through Amazon and other online retailers. [email protected] |